Super Mario World (Sniper)
Genre: 2d platformer
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo

Super Mario World's environment is nothing if it isn't bright and colorful. There are also lots of cool special effects in use, such as sprite rotation, transparency, and a neat pixelization effect used to transition between scenes. While the world is cheerful and has lots of character, it does look a little flat compared to the lush and mesmerizing environments in Sonic the Hedgehog.

Using nothing but a keyboard and some circus organ-like synth samples, Koji Kondo constructs a pleasant, easy to listen, smooth selection of songs that compliment the light-hearted and pattern-like gameplay of Super Mario World perfectly. Sound effects are simplistic but, like many game sound effects of the era, convey very definite emotion through various chirps, bleeps, and boops.

Levels linked via an overworld map, a clever 2-player mode whereby the players alternate turns, and rhythmic level flow are all taken from the acclaimed Super Mario Bros. 3, but brought to a new level; besides superior artwork and a more sophisticated soundtrack, Super Mario world's pseudo puzzle-like levels are multi-faceted enough to allow for different modes of play, and frequently feature interesting secrets and alternate exits.

Like the previous Super Mario titles, Super Mario World does a good job of introducing the player to a nice selection of mechanics early on-- not too many mechanics, mind you, but just the right amount-- and then cleverly reuses those mechanics in well thought-out ways later in the game. Great attention was clearly given to each of the nuanced maps in the game, and above all, Super Mario World rewards the player for her efforts by providing gameplay depth that scales nicely with the player's own skill.

Sniper's verdict: